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za 04 mei



4 mei 21.00 uur, concert met Jiddische muziek in kader Dodenherdenking. UITVERKOCHT

Programma gewijd aan de Oost-Europese joodse componist Leibu Levin, die Jiddische gedichten op muziek zette. Hij overleefde de Holocaust en de Stalinterreur. Drie musici (zang, klarinet, piano) met lange ervaring in Jiddische muziek belichten zijn werk in een sfeer van herinnering. Impressie:

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4 mei 21.00 uur, concert met Jiddische muziek in kader Dodenherdenking. UITVERKOCHT
4 mei 21.00 uur, concert met Jiddische muziek in kader Dodenherdenking. UITVERKOCHT

Tijd en locatie

04 mei 2024, 21:00 – 22:30

Amsterdam, Bickersgracht 10, 1013 LE Amsterdam, Nederland

Over het evenement

Mayn Lid Farnem  - Take my song

A poetic-musical program with songs by the Yiddish bard Leibu Levin from Czernowitz, the eastern-European “city of the dead poets”.

When Romanian and German troops occupied it in 1941, Czernowitz, a town in the Ukrainian part of the Soviet Union, with a little more than 100 000 inhabitants, was home to famous poets of Jewish descent, all of them writing in German.

One of them, Itzik Manger, was in exile, but safe, in England. But Manger’s poetry lingered in the town and had a profound influence on a young man, who was still in Czernowitz at this sinister time: Leibu Levin. He had already made some fame by reciting Manger’s poetry, often singing the poems to his own melodies. 

In 1941, Levin was sent to a labor camp and then imprisoned, to be free only 15 years later – but he lived, unlike many of his contemporaries. He settled in Moscow and later in Israel, and continued to work as a reciter, singer, and composer, who throughout his life set to music many of the most beautiful Yiddish poems, finding a different, fitting tone for each.

On this 4th of May we remember and mourn what we’ve lost – amongst the six million were most of the Jews from Czernowitz in Eastern Europe, as was their vibrant German and Yiddish cultural life. We mourn, while keeping alive what survived: We sing Manger’s poetry in Levin’s wonderful songs and then tell stories, compose, and improvise music, keeping alive Yiddish literary and musical traditions that were nearly eradicated - so that they can keep nurturing us.


English translation of the Yiddish songs will be provided.


Sára Gutvill – concept, singing  

Michel Marang – clarinet 

Maarten Hillenius - piano

Praktische informatie


Aanvangstijd concert: 21.00 uur, toegang atelier vanaf 20.30 uur.

Adres: Bickersgracht 10 Amsterdam

Tel: 06-24623952

Prijs: €16,50, pin betaling aan de deur

cash voor snacks

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